SKU: C014-P0618

Sasa Bumbu Rendang 1set isi 12pcs


Rendang merupakan masakan daging yang berasal dari minang kabau, untuk memasak rendang harus menggunakan suhu api yang rendah serta menggunakan aneka rempah dan santan. kini memasak rendang lebih mudah dan praktis menggunakan bumbu Rendang dari Sasa karena tebuat dari rempah pilihan yang  berkualitas yang dapat melezatkan masakan. 

Harga ¥1.885
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SKU: C012-P0047

Energen Coklat


Minuman serbuk sereal dan susu yang bernutrisi membantu menambah asupan gizi dengan rasa coklat Komposisi: Gula, krimmer, terigu, susu bubuk, kakao bubuk, jangung, oat, kalsium karbonat, garam, premiks vitamin, telur, ektrak malt.  Berat: 29 gr/sachet 

Harga ¥120
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Sasa Bumbu Opor


Opor ayam merupakan salah satu jenis masakan kari ayam yang sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Opor ayam adalah ayam rebus yang diberi bumbu kental dari santan dan ditambahkan beberapa rempah tambahan lainya. 

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Frozen Passion Fruit Pulp

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SKU: C014-P0070

Bamboe Rendang


Rendang is a very popular rich tasting meat dish in Indonesia. Originated in Sumatra, it was served at accasions to honor guests. In 2011 it was named by CNN as the number one dish of the most delicious Foods in the world. It is cooked slowly in coconut milk and rich spices until the sauce becomes thick in consistency. Weight :48g 

Harga ¥185
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SKU: C014-P0133

Kobe Tepung Tempe Goreng Kriuk


Kobe's coating recipe for soybean fritters. Kobe gives your fried fritters a crispy, crunchy, and delicious coating. this delectably crusty coating from kobe will make your soybean fritters simply irresistible. Kobe Tepung Tempe Goreng Kriuk weight: 70g

Harga ¥300
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SKU: C014-P0100

Kecap ABC 600 ml


ABC Kecap Manis adalah kecap manis yang terbuat dari bahan alami pilihan seperti kedelai, gandum, dan gula merah.Bango Kecap Manis Refill 600ml 

Harga ¥700
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SKU: C014-P0073

Bamboe Soto Betawi


Soto Betawi is a kind of soto soup named after the Betawi people, one of the ethnic group in Indonesia. Rich in taste, it is popular ini West Java. The main ingredients are beef offal cooked in Betawi soto spices and coconut milk, served with fried slices potato and fresh cut tomato. Usually eaten with ketupat/lontong (compressed rice wrapped in banana...

Harga ¥185
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SKU: C014-P0128

Masako Sapi 100 gr


Masako Sapi merupakan penyedap masakan rasa daging Sapi yang dibuat dengan perpaduan tepat antara daging Sapi segar berkualitas, bumbu dan rempah pilihan. Memberikan rasa dan aroma masakan dari daging Sapi asli sama seperti kaldu buatan sendiri.  Masako Sapi 100 gr 

Harga ¥500
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SKU: C014-P0078

Bamboe Opor


Opor is Indonesian white curry, originated in java island. There are variations of opor, the common one being chicken and egg opor. Tofu opor is also popular especially during the moslem New Year Holiday. it is usually eaten with rice or ketupat/lontong (compressed rice cake in banana leaves) Weight: 49g 

Harga ¥185
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SKU: C007-P0152

Sereh Frozen


300Aroma sereh yang menenangkan, dan kandungan kalori yang rendah. pilihan terbaik untuk worry-free dessert Sereh Frozen berat: 250 gr

Harga ¥370
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SKU: C014-P0081

Bamboe Sambal Goreng Ati


Sambal goreng ati is the sauce for stir fry chicken gizzards or liver and potato. A popular dish originated in Java. This dish can be served alone, or a part of a big meal (nasi campur, nasi kuning).  Weight: 67g

Harga ¥185
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SKU: C014-P0079

Bamboe Soto Ayam


Soto Ayam is yellow chicken soup, originated from java. This soup is very popular in Indonesia. Served warm, it is considered comfort food by the Indonesian. The yellow soup broth is poured on bowls with shredded chicken, vermicelli, fried sliced potatoes, and hard boiled eggs. Weight: 53g 

Harga ¥185
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